
About Us

For the past eight to nine years, AKINO has illuminated the path of hope and resilience, much like the rising sun after a dark night. Our name, borrowed from the Japanese term meaning "rising sun," symbolizes our unwavering commitment to bringing light and progress to communities in need.

In this span of time, AKINO has evolved into a beacon of change and empowerment. We have tirelessly strived to create flood-resilient communities and mitigate the impact of flooding, a challenge that has plagued many regions around the world.

Our journey has been marked by innovation, compassion, and unwavering dedication. We have conducted disaster preparedness training, swiftly responded to emergencies with relief aid, and undertaken sustainable infrastructure projects to reduce flood risks. Our education initiatives have empowered the younger generation with knowledge and skills, igniting their potential.

AKINO's name embodies our mission - to bring the dawn of hope and transformation to communities in need. With every passing year, we continue to rise like the sun, dispelling darkness and ushering in a brighter, floodresistant future for all. Our journey has only just begun, and we invite you to join us in this ongoing quest for change, resilience, and progress. Together, we can light up the lives of countless individuals and communities, ensuring a future that shines as bright as the rising sun.


AKINO envisions a world where the radiance of resilience eclipses the shadows of adversity. Our vision is to create communities empowered with knowledge and unity, capable of withstanding floods and other challenges. We see underprivileged people and orphaned children equipped with education as beacons of hope. Empowered women lead communities toward equality, while vulnerable lives, both young and animal, receive care and protection. In times of Flood Crises, communities rise stronger. Through Skill Development and Education Awareness, we foster self-reliance. AKINO's vision is the sunrise of hope, casting rays of opportunity, much like the rising sun, heralding a brighter future for all. Together, we shine.



AKINO, symbolizing the rising sun, embodies a mission of empowerment and hope. Our comprehensive initiatives encompass Child Education, nurturing young minds for brighter futures, and Women Empowerment, breaking barriers and fostering leadership. In Kid Care and Animal Rescue, compassion extends to the most vulnerable. During Flood Crises, we provide immediate aid and rebuild resilient communities. Skill Development and Education Awareness empower individuals with practical skills and knowledge, promoting selfsufficiency. AKINO aims to be the dawn of hope, illuminating pathways toward resilience, equality, and prosperity, mirroring the rising suns enduring optimism. Together, we rise.


Our Teams

Pretesh K
Founder & CEO
Pretesh K
Founder & CEO
Pretesh K
Founder & CEO
Pretesh K
Founder & CEO
Pretesh K
Founder & CEO
Pretesh K
Founder & CEO
Awards & Recognition

In over 4 decades, CRY has received many awards in recognition of our
work towards enabling better futures for underprivileged children.


Your generosity is the light that can dispel the darkness of despair and empower communities to rise above flood-related challenges.

K Pritesh

FOUNDER, Akino Foundadtion